bright people

Where Do We Leave Our Coat? Where Do We Leave Our Self?

We’ve started a new year. We’ve renewed our resolutions and promises. Then, without realizing, we’ve started running the rat race again, soon embracing our very old patterns. It is a new year again and this is enough to make it seem that all things need to be solved at once. It is morning again, so…

Time for New Promises to Ourselves

Time flies for each of us like it was never here in the first place. It flies whether we spend it well or not. Whether we do things our way or not. Whether we grow our flame or not. Whether we are kind and caring, or not. It flies anyway. We were kids right up until yesterday when we used to dream…

The 7 Keys to High Energy through the Day. What Is Consuming Us?

Have you noticed that there are days when time flies and you are still left with plenty of energy? And other days when you’re internal battery shows 1% at about…2PM? What makes these days so different? The difference lies in the way your inner energy amplifies based on the things you do on the…