social media

Make the Most of Your LinkedIn Presence in 6 Easy Steps: A Toolkit for SMEs

LinkedIn is a valuable space for B2B companies and a must-have channel to include in your social media strategy. You can use it for as many purposes, such as getting awareness and visibility, positioning as a professional company based on high-quality content, sharing qualified opinions, to…

E-mail Marketing vs. Social Media. Or How to Make Them Work Together

E-mail marketing and social media are just different. It is hard to compare them and sometimes even harder to decide which one serves your business better. We put together valuable statistics and recommendations to help you evaluate when and how to use each, and for what purpose. You will learn how…

Visual Content Marketing Statistics You Can No Longer Ignore in 2017

Creating relevant and useful content is essential for companies if they want to demonstrate a deep understanding of their customers' pain points and also prove their experience in meeting them. Keeping your products or services top of mind gets more challenging each day as the amount of information…

Mindful & Efficient Ways to Use Social Media as a Company

The new marketing and communication have a strong influence on business growth and success and work at their best when they are adequate, relevant and human. As social media became an essential tool of today’s communication instruments, I will uncover things I find essential for mindful social…